When you think of who might use an emergency warning system, you might think of factories that work with hazardous materials or hospitals that are in charge of bringing patients to safety during a natural disaster. If you’re in a corporate or retail setting, you might think this technology has little use in your specific industry. Won’t a simple intercom system suffice?

Unfortunately, in an emergency, this is hardly ever the case; you need something reliable, clear, and easy to access. Custom emergency alert systems have a much wider market than one might think. 

Building Systems Solutions, a sound management and speech privacy systems company defines the scope of emergency warning systems.

How Do Emergency Warning Systems Work?

Emergency warning systems function by using a collection of warnings, such as text updates, loud alarms, flashing lights, automated messages over PA systems, and more, to alert a building’s occupants of an emergency. 

A controller, such as a security guard, will prepare the message and send it out to speakers, cell phones, or two-way radios. 

These systems can include a physical console to manage the alerts, a speaker system, a computer system, and extra capabilities to make sure all alerts are distributed as necessary. 

Anyone Can Benefit From a Custom Emergency Alert System

No matter the industry, no matter the size of the company or campus, absolutely any entity can benefit from a custom emergency alert system. From manufacturing companies to college laboratories to shopping centers, the practical applications of solid emergency warning systems for business are endless.

Of course, that’s easy for a sound management company to say: What exactly makes our emergency warning products so widely usable?

Emergency Warning Systems Show you Care

By installing an emergency warning system in your business, you’ll be able to quickly notify customers and employees alike of a potential threat and quickly get them to safety. You show concern for their lives and take responsibility for their well-being while on your business’s campus. 

Is there anything more obvious that you, as a business, can do to show that you care?

Emergency Warning Systems Help With PR

Should an emergency happen, quick evacuation of all customers and employees from your business’s campus is vital for PR purposes, regardless of your industry. After all, there isn’t much else that makes you look as irresponsible as being unprepared! 

From a PR standpoint, a custom emergency warning system is a wise investment for almost any company.

Emergency Warning Systems Save Lives

A worker or customer lost to a disaster is more than just a name reported to the news and more than an obituary in the back of the Sunday paper. Each person lost due to a poorly managed emergency is a person lost. 

Responsible companies will do their moral duty and protect anyone who sets foot on their campus with a custom emergency warning system.

Industries That Need Emergency Warning Systems

Our emergency warning systems designs, of course, have specific niches in specific industries. Those wherein safety risks are substantial, even with stringent precautions, have a particular use for this technology.

Manufacturing Applications

Anywhere hazardous materials are handled benefits from such a system, including factories. Staff need to know about any spillages and equipment malfunctions so that they can take action and get to safety. 

An emergency warning system with geofencing technology might be helpful in this context. By reaching all the employees in a specific area (i.e., a specific plant), you can quickly notify those at risk without much stress. 

Business Applications

‘Business’ is a bit of a vague industry, if it can even be considered an industry. We’re referring to fields and situations where working in large, hard-to-navigate buildings is common, such as in large financial institutions and corporate offices. 

Though safety precautions are plentiful, getting out of these many-floored, often urban buildings and finding a safe place to regroup isn’t ever easy. That’s why these companies should invest in top-notch emergency warning systems. 

Employees need all the time possible to evacuate or otherwise take action, and time cannot be wasted deciphering unintelligible instructions.

Food Production Applications

Laws surrounding food production and packaging are strict, and for good reason. Without proper protocol, disease outbreaks would run rampant. 

But employees need to know if there’s a breach in this protocol—IE, a machine malfunction—so the error can quickly be righted and proper disposal and safety measures can take place. 

This is especially pertinent to the meat and poultry industries, where improper food handling can quickly and easily contaminate the product.

Business or College Campus

It can be challenging when you have to alert many people spread out among many buildings. Likely, your buildings were constructed at different times and contain different emergency alert technology. 

With a newer emergency warning system, you can ensure everyone on the campus receives the same message and responds in the appropriate way. 

Additionally, if a message needs to go to one building and not alert the entire campus, then a sophisticated emergency warning system can send the message only to those who need it. Alerts can be sent through cell phones and two-way radios to ensure full receipt of the information. 

Apartment Complexes

Like college campuses, apartment complexes can benefit from a synchronized emergency warning system. Many apartment complexes are made up of several buildings, and if there is an emergency, like a fire, in one building, the other residents must also be informed. 

Incorporating different types of warning systems, like loud alarms or flashing lights, can help accommodate people living with different disabilities. An emergency alert system can also help give more time to those who need physical assistance evacuating a building.

All Companies That Care Benefit From Emergency Warning Systems

If you’re looking to install a custom emergency warning system, we commend you; you’re taking a valuable step toward ensuring the ultimate safety of your customers and employees alike. Consider catering to their comfort, too, with a Soft dB sound masking system!

For the most reliable, state-of-the-art emergency warning technology and more, contact Building Systems Solutions of Blaine today at 763-702-1515.